Welcome to the POINT LIST / MOVE CALCULATOR for Austin Texas
STEP 1: Use the form below to calculate
your move's "point value".
Go through the list and enter the
quantity (Qty.) of each item you need moved.
If the list does not contain one
or more of your items, please note it in the comments area below.
When you have finished calculating
your points, continue to STEP 2 after the point
IMPORTANT... only fill in numbers under
the Qty. column for the move calculator to function correctly!
STEP 2:After filling out the information below, we will be able to
contact you via telephone with a guaranteed price for your move.
Please be as specific as possible, because our ability to quote an accurate
price depends on the information you provide us. Use the comments
box at the bottom of this form to add any additional information we
should know about.